
Education Resources, Inc. Event: Birth to Three Conference

Presented via real-time webinar. Login information to be distributed to registered attendees.

Thursday April 4th and Friday April 5th, 2024

Education Resources, Inc.

Time: Begins at 8:30am CT- Morning and Afternoon Sessions Available 

Location: Presented via real-time webinar. Login information to be distributed to registered attendees.

Cost: $240 for 1 day, $459 for both days 

Click HERE to learn more!

SAVE $100 NOW! Early bird rate of $359 for the two-day registration.
Use Code: BT32024 – valid through January 12, 2024

This virtual Birth to Three Conference is geared towards OTs, PTs, SLPs, Special Educators, Assistants and more who work in a variety of pediatric settings including early intervention, hospital inpatient and outpatient, outpatient private practice, rehab, home care, or specialty clinic and want to advance their hands-on skills and strategies when treating the birth to 3 population. Applicable and relevant topics in the birth to three field will be presented to strengthen the building blocks and lay a strong foundation to enhance the future growth and development of the child.