Bilingual & Multicultural Services

List of ISHA bilingual and bidialectal Service Providers

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Resources and Readings


Linguistic Justice: Black language, literacy, identity, and pedagogy by Dr. April Baker-Bell

We Do Language: English language variation in the secondary English classroom by Dr. Anne H. Charity Hudley

The Guide for White Women who Teach Black Boys by Drs. Eddie Morroe, Jr., Ali Michael, and Marguerite W. Penick-Parks

Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths about America's Lingua Franca by Dr. John H. McWhorter

Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for racial and cultural justice by Dr. Wayne Au


Dismantling anti-black linguistic racism in English language arts classrooms: Towards an anti-racist black language pedagogy (free download) by Dr. April Baker-Bell

An informed lens on African American English by Dr. Megan-Brette Hamilton

Don't get it twisted-hear my voice by Dr. Dionna Latimer-Hearn


Talking about Race by the National Museum of African American History and Culture


So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo, featured speaker at the ASHA 2019 Convention for the Office of Multicultural Affairs 50th Anniversary Address

Future Reads

Arki, S., Delano-Oriaran, O., Michael, A., Moore, E.J., Penick-Parks, M.W., Swindell, O. (in alphabetical order) (Eds.). Teaching brilliant and beautiful Black girls: A companion to the guide for White women who teach Black boys (in press).