Division for Audiological Affairs

Angi Martin-Prudent - Vice President


Audiology Committee

The Audiology Committee of ISHA represents the specialized needs of speech & hearing professionals as they relate to hearing and balance disorders and acts to inform and educate members, policymakers, and the public on these issues.

2023-2024 Roster

  • Angi Martin-Prudent, Chair
  • Tena L. McNamara
  • Courtney Baker
  • Marnie Pomeroy

2023-2024 Committee Goals

  • Expand Membership
    • Increase membership and active participation of young professionals (First five years in   
  • practice)
  • Conduct needs assessment
    • ii. Determine "why" or reason they did/did not pursue membership
    • iii. Examine professionals' knowledge of ISHA benefits/services
    • iv. Hold social events to connect young professionals
    • Increase participation of professionals working in Illinois
  • Conduct listening tours in regions of the state to hear from the membership and
    • those who are not members.
  • Investigate how we can collaborate with ILAA
    • Meet with ILAA members (Board) to determine concerns, needs, and how to form a better
  • working relationship
  • Increase Audiology offerings at ISHA Convention
    • Increase Audiology presentations/course offerings at ISHA Convention
    • Consider offering/increasing online CEUs
    • Create “package” that includes requirements for lisc. &  ASHA
    • Investigate working with ILAA to merge conferences