Committee Updates: January 2025
Published in the January 2025 issue of the ISHA Voice.
- Carrie Kerr, ASHA’s STAR representative, was interviewed for the ASHA Voices podcast. Take some time to listen to the episode to all the great work ISHA is doing across the state.
- Carrie Kerr, ASHA’s STAR representative, met with ASHA Directors of Healthcare Policy – Government Affairs and Public Policy. Carrie, Lacy, and Suzannah, ISHA members of ISHA’s Billing and Reimbursement Committee, met the directors at ASHA while they were in town for a Payer Summit in Chicago. We discussed the common concerns surrounding billing and reimbursement in the state of IL. Carrie continues to attend monthly meetings with ASHA. Significant discussion this year surrounded the push from FixSLP as well as the new administration coming into office this year and how advocacy priorities shift with any new administration. Carrie also presented to two university graduate student programs on advocacy in the state of Illinois with the other ambassadors and state liaisons. A post-presentation survey was created to continue the pipeline from students to ISHA members/volunteers. Finally, she continues to work on a project to gather information on Illinois Medicaid Network Adequacy.
- The Telepractice Committee is working on our ISHA Convention Presentation "Telepractice Services: Policy, Best Practices in Dysphagia, EDIA Considerations". We hope to see you soon at the 2025 ISHA Convention!
- ISHA’s Multicultural Issues Committee has a new name: Multicultural Topics Committee. The committee continues to work to spread information about the Campaign to Support Diversity in the Professions.
- ISHA’s School Affairs Committee continues to work with Speaking 4 Children to address paperwork requirements in the school setting.
- ISHA’s Ethics Education Committee is excited to see the entries for the Ethics Education Video Contest. Learn more about the contest here!
- ISHA’s Honors Committee is preparing to honor this year’s class of honorees on Thursday, February 6 at the Honors Presentation prior to the convention key note address. Please join the committee in recognizing these amazing ISHA professionals.